Have you carefully read your car insurance contract or your annual expiry notice? In this case, you may have already noticed that, in the small lines which explain the amount of your contribution, mention is made of the taxes to which your contract is subject. Among them, the “attack tax”. Explanations. The attack tax: what is it? Although VAT …
When you buy a car, it is essential to plan a separate budget to pay for certain expenses, notably car insurance. Fortunately, there are some tips to take into account to lower the cost of car insurance. We take stock! Bring in the competition To save on your car insurance, don’t hesitate to use the competition! The …
Article sponsored by Allianz) Are you looking to save money on your car insurance? Discover 9 tips that can help you better control your budget, while properly protecting your vehicle. In 2022, 44.3 million vehicles were insured in France according to France Assureurs. So many motorists must therefore pay several hundred euros in car insurance contributions each …
Ajusto, Mobiliz, Automérite… these insurance programs offer to record your driving data to offer discounts to good drivers. What does it mean to be “spied on” in your car? Illustration: Luc Melanson Ajusto, Mobiliz, Ma Conduite, Automérite… these insurance programs offer to record your driving data to offer discounts to good drivers. What does it mean to …
If you’re a renter, you’re not required to purchase homeowners insurance, but basic coverage could mean peace of mind, no matter the value of the property you own. According to the most recent data from the Insurance Bureau of Canada, 37% of Quebec tenants are uninsured. If this is your case, this means that, in the …
Are you getting ready to buy a house? Errors in property titles or in the certificate of location, or even developments that do not comply with municipal regulations could cost you dearly. This is where title insurance comes into play. However, few Quebecers subscribe to this protection. Is it really useful? Sylvie and Jean wanted to settle in the …
Car insurance premiums are not calculated only based on your driving record or the vehicle you drive, but also based on your age (surcharge for young drivers), your gender (women pay less! ), your place of residence or the number of years you have held your license. That said, a few actions can help you reduce …