What risks are covered by insurance?

New forms of mobility are popular on our roads and sidewalks. Electric scooters, gyrowheels, hoverboards, gyropods, etc. practical, light, they allow you to easily navigate your way on the road. The other side of the coin is that these new travel vehicles are involved in an increasing number of traffic accidents. Considered by law as land motor vehicles (VTM), they are subject to an insurance obligation. Are there other rules to follow to drive such cars safely? We tell you everything!

Risk in Insurance | Different Types and Transfer of Risk in Insurance

In 2023, 500,000 scooters were sold in France, double the sales recorded a year earlier. And the trend continues! To save time on the journey to work, or for leisure , more and more French people are being seduced by this style of machine. However, few are aware of their obligations when riding their car, particularly that of taking out insurance.

What is NVEI?

The New Individual Electric Vehicles are also called motorized personal travel devices (EDPM). They have an electric motor and their speed , which is defined by the driver, is between 6 km/h and 25 km/h. Several types of cars fall into this category of vehicle. So, you are spoiled for choice for your short daily trips:

Electric scooters . They differ from the classic scooter because of their electric motor, their lights and their brakes on the handlebars and at the rear;
The gyrowheels. They generally refer to electric unicycles such as the monowheel, the solowheel or the airwheel;
Hoverboards . _ They look like skateboards: two wheels and a platform, with an additional electric motor;
Self-balancing scooters . It is a two-wheeler equipped with a handle and a handlebar. It works, like the hoverboard and the gyroroue, with the weight of the body;
Ultra-light electric scooters . They are a mix between scooters and scooters.
What insurance should I take out?
In recent years, the use of scooters, in particular, has become more popular. At the same time, we have observed a multiplication of accidents and even deaths in which they are involved. French legislation has therefore had to adapt and better regulate the use of these machines. This is why, since 2023, it is mandatory for all NVEI drivers to be covered by insurance. They must at least have taken out civil liability insurance .

Civil liability covers bodily injury or property damage that you could cause to others with your vehicle. That is to say the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by a pedestrian that you have knocked down, or the repair of a car that you have damaged.

Generally, this basic guarantee is included in your home insurance contract or that of your car insurance . However, it is possible that land motor vehicle insurance may be subject to an exclusion . Your machine would then not be covered. To make sure, re-read the general conditions of your contract or contact your advisor to find out more.


Is the value of your machine high or do you plan to use it very frequently? In this case, more comprehensive coverage may interest you. You can then turn to specific contracts for driving these new urban vehicles. The risks covered by this type of insurance are as follows:

Theft (with violence) and material damage;
Bodily damage that you inflict on yourself;
Criminal defense in the event of legal action.
What about electric bikes?
Surprisingly, despite the speed it can reach, the electric bike is not subject to an insurance requirement. In fact, electrically assisted bicycles (VAE) are considered classic bicycles which are not required to be insured.


What are the risks incurred if the machine is not insured?

The main risk is being responsible for an accident with your NVEI and causing material damage and/or bodily harm to a third party. Without insurance to turn to, the latter could contact the Victims’ Guarantee Fund (FGAO) to request compensation. The fund will then be returned to the person responsible for the accident so that they can reimburse the amounts paid to the victim with their personal finances . If you are in this case you can say goodbye to your vacation plan under the tropical sun because this accident could cost you very dearly. Note that since 2023, the FGAO has received 824 requests from accident victims. Nearly half of them presented bodily damage and in 96% of cases an electric scooter was involved.


The other risk is being fined for lack of insurance. The fixed fine ranges between €500 and €7,500

What other obligations must be respected?

Since October 2023, the Highway Code has regulated NVEIs. But exactly what rules apply?

The circulation

NVEI must travel on cycle paths and not transport other individuals other than the driver. The temptation may be great to take your friend home from the evening, but be aware that you risk being fined €35.

The speed of an NVEI must not exceed 25 km/h. Otherwise, it is then a vehicle which must be registered and approved for the road.

In the absence of a suitable lane, NVEIs can drive either on roads where the traffic speed is limited to 50 km/h, or on pedestrian lanes without exceeding 6 km/h.

When the car is at rest, it can park on sidewalks as long as it does not obstruct pedestrian traffic.


On the one hand, there is the pilot’s equipment, on the other hand there is that of the machine.

Wearing a helmet is not obligatory but strongly recommended for those behind the handlebars. Do not hesitate to equip yourself with other protection such as elbow pads , knee pads and gloves to prevent the risk of injury in the event of a fall.

For safe journeys, the NVEI must be visible and audible . This is why it must be equipped with front and rear lights and rear and side reflective devices . It must also be equipped with a horn and brakes.


There you go, now you know everything to enjoy your means of transport in complete freedom and peace of mind!


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