Tips for lowering the cost of car insurance

When you buy a car, it is essential to plan a separate budget to pay for certain expenses, notably car insurance. Fortunately, there are some tips to take into account to lower the cost of car insurance. We take stock!


Bring in the competition 

To save on your car insurance, don’t hesitate to use the competition!

The entry into force of the Hamon law in 2023 allows everyone to cancel their insurance as soon as they wish , without additional costs. This law was put in place by the government to allow consumers to lower their insurance premiums by comparing offers. With the consequence of a general reduction in prices. A decision that can only please policyholders.

To benefit from the most advantageous offer on the market, contact two to four insurers, compare quotes and make your choice! To save time, it is best to use an online comparator. This tool is very easy to use and can really help you save a lot of money.

Please note that it is possible to entrust the mission to a broker. The latter has all the skills and knowledge necessary to find you the contract that matches your profile and your budget.

Note that online car insurance can also be an excellent option. They are cheaper than traditional insurers. Online offers allow customers to have a reduction of 20% to 30% on their contract, or even more when it is a high-end contract.

Adapt your car insurance contract

Increase the deductible amount

To lower the price of car insurance, the easiest way is to increase the amount of the deductible. Some insurance companies agree to lower the rate if the customer pays a higher deductible in the event of a claim . With certain car insurers, an excess increase of 50% is synonymous with a price reduction of 15%.

In addition, be aware that a small accident may cause you to pay a deductible. Sometimes, when the car suffers a minor impact, it is better not to report it to the insurance company . In fact, it would directly impact your bonus-malus . After an accident-free period, you may see your premium drop.

Furthermore, note that the glass breakage excess of 0 euros is really useless. For what ? Because it is rare for a driver to declare several broken windows over a period of 3 years, knowing that the excess is expensive. For a Mégane for example, the insured must count 33 euros deductible per year, or 99 euros over 3 years, to avoid a deductible which only costs 70 euros.

Reduce the scope of guarantees 

Of course, we are reassured when we take out an all-risk contract, but the annual premium to pay is relatively expensive . To save a few dozen euros, it is advisable to reduce the level of guarantees mentioned in the contract.

Our advisors recommend that you opt for the extended third-party plan It is a contract that covers the driver’s bodily injury, theft, fire and broken glass, even when there is no third party responsible. On the other hand, it does not compensate in the absence of a responsible third party. By choosing this formula, the driver reduces the amount of his premium by more than 30% , or around 100 euros per year.

The insured pays around 60 euros per year for his legal protection . However, this only rarely works, especially when the case is brought before the court. The same goes for point loss insurance. This allows you to have a free lawyer to contest the loss of points or driving license. These are clauses that we can remove from the contract  and renegotiate our car insurance.

In short, it is advisable to remove any unnecessary options.

Pay the premium annually 

If your budget allows it, it is better to pay your insurance premium in one go rather than in 12 monthly installments. Thus, it is possible to benefit from a reduction of 5 to 8%.

Opt for car insurance per kilometer  

Don’t drive your car much? Do you only do a few dozen hundred kilometers per year? Per kilometer car insurance is for you. As its name suggests, it is simply insurance proportional to the distance traveled by the vehicle. Our expert advisors estimate that this option provides savings of up to 50%. This solution is increasingly recommended for collector car owners. In fact, using car insurance per kilometer allows you to save up to 170 euros, or even more for certain vehicles.

Do accompanied driving

This learning method makes it possible to reduce the amount of the premium. Do not hesitate to report this point to the insurer. Once you have obtained your license, if you do not immediately purchase a vehicle, add yourself as a second driver to your parents’ insurance contract. You will build up a positive history with a view to taking out insurance in your name and you will benefit in part from the bonus/malus backed by your parents’ contract.

Equip your vehicle for responsible driving

Adopt the connected box 

For young drivers, it is strongly recommended to install a connected box in the vehicle. It is a system which reassures insurers and allows the driver to benefit from a reduction on their car insurance contract.

With car claims more expensive and frequent than average, young drivers see the cost of their car insurance much higher. On average it pays 60% more than a classic profile, and this for the same guarantees. For comprehensive insurance, for example, he would pay on average 1,800 euros, while the national average is around 680 euros.

To save on their car insurance, young drivers can simply install a connected box. This device analyzes and notes the insured’s driving based on several points: his average speed, his braking, his taking turns, etc. Depending on the score obtained, the company will grant a discount on the insured’s contribution. This reduction can go up to 40%. This is what we call “ Pay how you drive ” insurance   .

Install an onboard camera

Also don’t forget to install an on-board camera inside the vehicle. For what ? Some insurance companies grant a reduction to policyholders who have this device in their vehicle. The more the risk of theft decreases, the more you save. Installing a dashcam generates more responsible driving. Furthermore, it makes it easier to resolve disputes in the event of a claim.

If the driver and his vehicle present less risk,  the insurer may offer his insured an insurance contract up to 30% cheaper.

Buy an old car 

Bet on grandma’s car! Drivers of powerful vehicles pay a high insurance premium because they are likely to have more expensive claims than average. This is the importance of the fiscal horse! It is therefore better to choose a less powerful car, which presents less risk of theft and which is less polluting. In fact, “sports” type cars are more often the target of theft and vandalism.

So, you know what to do to lower the cost of your car insurance. It’s time to negotiate your contract to save money!

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