Car insurance: 9 tips for saving money on your contract

Car insurance

Article sponsored by Allianz) Are you looking to save money on your car insurance? Discover 9 tips that can help you better control your budget, while properly protecting your vehicle.

Car insurance

In 2022, 44.3 million vehicles were insured in France according to France Assureurs. So many motorists must therefore pay several hundred euros in car insurance contributions each year. So, are there any tips for insuring your car without breaking the bank? Here are 9 tips to know.

Tip #1: third party or all risks, choose the right insurance plan

Have you ever considered canceling your car insurance? Impossible: in France, the law requires that all vehicles be at least third-party insured. In the event of a responsible accident, victims are therefore certain of being compensated. Although third party insurance is an inexpensive insurance option, it has the disadvantage of having limited guarantees. In the event of a responsible incident in particular, the damage suffered by the insured’s vehicle is not covered by the insurance.

It is also possible to opt for an enriched third-party, or third-party +, formula, which allows you to be covered in the event of theft or fire, in addition to civil liability. To be better covered, in particular for vehicles less than 7 or 10 years old, it is nevertheless recommended to turn to an all-risk insurance formula, certainly more expensive, but which also covers damage suffered by the car. of the insured.

Tip #2: Only subscribe to options that are useful to you

0 kilometer assistance, replacement vehicle, legal protection… in addition to the basic base, there are numerous options which allow you to increase your level of guarantee. But be careful: these little extras increase the overall cost of car insurance. It is therefore imperative to ensure that they are indeed useful and adapted to your situation.

Do you have a secondary vehicle that you only use occasionally? It is not necessarily necessary to take out a “replacement vehicle” option in the event of a breakdown or accident. Do you already have a legal protection contract with sufficient guarantees? The automobile legal protection option risks being duplicated.

Tip No. 3: adapt the amount of deductibles in the event of a claim

Beyond the type of car insurance plan and the options purchased, there is another variable that can help lower the price of your premium: deductibles. If low deductibles mean you have to pay less in the event of a claim or accident, they also result in a higher cost. Conversely, choosing a higher level of deductible, while ensuring that you can pay them in the event of a problem, automatically allows you to save money on your car insurance.

Tip #4: Weigh the pros and cons before declaring a claim

Have you just had a small collision, and you don’t know whether you should report this incident to your insurer? It is important to ask yourself this question before taking such steps. In fact, each at-fault accident results in the application of a penalty of 25% on your car insurance premium. In addition, it is necessary to pay the deductible. For a small scratch made while parking or reversing, it is not always worth the effort.

Tip #5: Buy a vehicle that costs less to insure

When it comes to car insurance, not all vehicles are in the same boat. Choosing a vehicle according to certain criteria can allow you to make significant savings on your car insurance contract. Therefore, the greater the power of the car purchased, the more expensive the insurance premium, especially for young drivers.

Car insurance : save up to €380 thanks to our online comparator

Are you considering buying a Toyota RAV4, Lexus NX or Audi A3 III? These vehicle models constitute the top 3 most stolen vehicles in 2022 according to Auto-Moto. However, a vehicle model that is often stolen results in a higher auto insurance rate being charged by insurance companies. Paying attention to this type of criterion when purchasing a new car can help minimize the cost of your car insurance.

Tip No. 6: opt for a contract adapted to small riders

You don’t use your vehicle to get to work? Choosing car insurance only for leisure trips offers the opportunity to reduce the price of your contract. Do you drive little? Certain insurance plans are dedicated to small riders. You then have the choice between:

  • an annual mileage package, which provides for a number of kilometers not to be exceeded;
  • car insurance per kilometer, or “Pay as you drive”, which takes into account the actual number of kilometers traveled to calculate the car insurance premium.

Tip #7: Park your car in a closed area

Do you have a closed garage, but you do not park your vehicle there? This small gesture can, however, allow you to save money on your car insurance, provided you specify this to your insurer. In fact, sheltering your car considerably reduces the risk of theft, vandalism or damage in the event of storm, hail or flooding.

Tip #8: group your contracts with the same insurer to benefit from discounts

To negotiate better prices with an insurance company, there is nothing like showing the number of contracts to be taken out. Vehicles, home, insurance, health… centralizing all your insurance contracts with the same insurer can thus make it possible to obtain reductions and save money on your overall insurance budget.

Tip #9: Use competition to find cheaper car insurance

Did you know that it is possible to change car insurance at any time, as long as it is more than a year old? Thanks to the Hamon law, it is easy to make the competition play more easily, to the delight of your wallet. And thus insure your vehicle at the best price.



    Thanks for the unique tips contributed on this blog site. I have noticed that many insurance companies offer buyers generous savings if they decide to insure a couple of cars together. A significant quantity of households possess several autos these days, particularly people with older teenage children still located at home, and the savings upon policies may soon mount up. So it is a good idea to look for a good deal.

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