7 Tips to Save on Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

Knowing how to save on car insurance is much easier than you think. At miituo we tell you how to do it.
Saving on car insurance is very important when you consider the expense that this protection entails. Furthermore, it is an obligation from which no person with a vehicle can escape.
If you want to know how you can take care of your finances and find affordable prices, then this information will undoubtedly interest you.
Table of Contents

Protection of car. Business concept.

1.Make a budget before hiring

2. Consider the characteristics of your car

3. Know the coverage there is
4. Compare prices
5. Consider the risk to which your vehicle is exposed
6. Take into account where your vehicle spends the most time parked
7. Define the use you give to your car and the kilometers you travel
How to save on car insurance?

Read our blog visit here: InsuranceNation

Save and hire the best insurance

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Currently it is relevant that we begin to create new habits to take care of our pocketbook and assets . For example, you must always take into account effective methods to save , so you can have an economical “cushion” for any eventuality. Review the following tips to have good protection and not have problems.

1.Make a budget before hiring

People’s earnings will always vary, therefore, it is essential that you know how much is the maximum and minimum that you are willing to spend.

Once you have established your budget, it is time to consider particular needs and evaluate which package best suits your routine. In this sense, we guarantee that kilometer car insurance can be your ally due to the following advantages:

Helps you save
It has the most complete coverage
If you travel 0 km pay $0 pesos
It adapts to you
The price of car insurance depends on your routine
Quote insurance per km or fixed payment insurance

2. Consider the characteristics of your car

The type of vehicle you have will greatly influence the total cost of a policy , since insurers take into account the characteristics of the car because in the end, it will be the same one that will have to be repaired or replaced in case of material damage or total theft. .

If you have a luxury model of the year, the savings may not be that much, although in that case, you can select low-cost coverage, however, it can be counterproductive, since having a vehicle of that caliber it would be best have your protection 100%.

The reason is because if you suffer any type of mishap and you do not have a plan that covers you in certain accidents, the expenses can triple for you, since you would have to consider covering:

Mechanical repairs
Cosmetic repairs
Damage to public property that you have affected
Damage to third parties
However, if your car is not very expensive and your routine does not require you to go out on the road, it will be a good idea for you to purchase standardized basic insurance. That way you will have everything you need to escape from trouble, but not from serious mishaps.

This is because this plan only includes:

Civil liability
Legal assistance
Medical expenses

3. Know the coverage there is

In Mexico the offer of car insurance is wide, since there are more than 20 insurers and each one offers different types of plans with their own costs.

In general, most companies have standardized their packages and the level of protection starts from the most basic and escalates in terms of different benefits and support.

Considering the types of insurance coverage that may be suitable for you helps adapt your budget and needs to adequate protection.

For example, if you usually use the road a lot or go through risky roads or if you live in a city with a lot of traffic and a high crime rate, your option will be the comprehensive package, however, if you do not have enough cash you should choose a more alternative. economical.

So that you can review in depth what they consist of, we leave you the following:

Civil Liability to third parties: This type of protection is the minimum required by law for all vehicles to travel on federal roads. The bad thing is that medical expenses and losses of the car owner are not considered.
Limited coverage: The limited covers you with the basics plus medical expenses and road and legal assistance in most cases.
Comprehensive coverage: Supports you in more delicate risks that may include theft and various types of damage to your property and your loved ones.
Comprehensive plus coverage: It is undoubtedly the most expensive but the one that covers the most situations, including ones such as a replacement car or changing mirrors, rearview mirror, etc.

4. Compare prices

An outstanding feature of all buyers is to review what other companies have to offer you , the best way to do this is by visiting the official pages of the options you are considering.

Although if you want to save time, visiting a car insurance comparator will be the right decision, since with this tool you can review approximate prices for your profile, considering your personal data and that of your car.

tips to save on insurance
The bad news is that not all insurers are available, an issue that can limit your vision , in any case, the ideal alternative is to make your quote on different sites (as long as they are secure websites).

If you are interested in visiting an official version, we recommend the Condusef simulator , a government platform where you can quote with certain companies in the insurance sector.

5. Consider the risk to which your vehicle is exposed

If the use of your car is constant due to traveling on busy roads with other cars and/or heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks, trailers or tractors, then your vehicle is more prone to suffering an accident.
For this reason, we recommend that you consider coverage that covers major damages in case you need it.
On the other hand, if you travel short distances or hardly occupy your vehicle because you use the bicycle, for the homme office or simply because you prefer the subway or walking, it will not be necessary to have the most extensive package. Remember that in those cases the insurance per km will be your ally.

6. Take into account where your vehicle spends the most time parked

For example, if it is on public roads, your car will be exposed to theft of auto parts or total theft, so you would have to consider a type of protection that covers it.

Do not forget that the type of risk to which your car is exposed is also a variant for finding cheap car insurance ; For example, if you travel through so-called “high risk” areas, your insurance policy could be more expensive.

7. Define the use you give to your car and the kilometers you travel

For example, if you only use your car on weekends or only travel a few kilometers daily, miituo ‘s pay-per-kilometer car insurance will be your best option, since with us you could spend significantly less on your policy, plus, Regardless of how much you pay per month, you will always be protected.

How to save on car insurance?
Saving on car protection is not easy, especially when you consider that the process of contracting insurance is sometimes complicated.

Currently there are many companies that subject their clients to cumbersome and eternal procedures, promising a good price.

In summary, the recommendations for saving are as follows:

Ask about active insurance coupons or promotions
Try to make the contract during a sales period such as Buen Fin or Hot Sale
At miituo if you refer friends you get incredible discounts
Compare options
Review your budget
Quote insurance per km or fixed payment insurance

Save and hire the best insurance

For most of us, saving is a super necessary topic, as well as a little difficult, because we are responsible for a family and our monthly income is often not what we would like to have. However, there’s a surefire way to save on auto insurance: collect your unearned premiums and switch to miituo .

And it is a fact: with miituo , the less you use your car (like now in quarantine), the less you pay in your insurance; But that is not all. If you don’t use your car in a month, you don’t pay a single peso that month and you’re still protected. Isn’t it wonderful?

Hiring it is very easy, you just have to:

Enter to

quote car insurance , where you will have to fill out the form with basic information about your car, with which we can assign you a rate per kilometer traveled (some of our clients pay from 20 cents per km, a bargain!).
Select any of our two coverage plans, which include third-party damage insurance.

Download the

miituo app on your phone, through which you can review everything related to your insurance, such as reviewing your policies (in case you have more than one), contact us if necessary and make the reports from your odometer .
Once you have contracted your insurance with miituo , you have downloaded your app and you have made your first report, you will not have to do it again, for another month; That’s right, the odometer reports are made every month and always through the application.

This is how we will know how many kilometers you traveled in the period and we will be able to make the corresponding charge to one of the payment methods that you have selected at the time of contracting.

As you can see, if you are one of those conscious people who use their car only for emergencies or to go out on weekends, without a doubt miituo is the car insurance for you. Remember that with us, you always pay what is fair. That easy.

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